DSW Mizoram Syllabus 2020 || Check DSW Graduate & IT Teacher, Warden, Nurse, Cook, Watchman, & Other Posts Exam Pattern @ socialwelfare.mizoram.gov.in

DSW Mizoram Syllabus 2020 is released by the higher authority of the Directorate of Social Welfare (DSW) using the official site of the socialwelfare.mizoram.gov.in. So the contenders have to check the official site and get the subject wise Directorate of Social Welfare Mizoram Syllabus 2020 for your exam preparation. Also that they are released the DSW Mizoram Exam Pattern for knowing that on what topics they are going to conduct the written test for the aspirants.

DSW Mizoram Syllabus 2020

Candidates who have successfully completed their application process on the suggested dates have to collect the DSW Mizoram Syllabus 2020 for the better knowledge of the examination. For that reason here on this page we are mentioned the detailed information to download the socialwelfare.mizoram.gov.in Mizoram Graduate Teacher Syllabus 2020 for the examination in an easy way. By scroll down this page, you will get the link to download the Syllabus for the examination. So the contenders have to check this page jobschat.in and get the detailed information for the syllabus. Also that on this page you will get the DSW Mizoram Nurse Exam Pattern for knowing that on what topics the examination is going to be conducted. So check this page and get the all required information to the syllabus.


Details of DSW Mizoram Syllabus 2020

Organization Name Directorate of Social Welfare (DSW)
Name of the Post  Graduate & IT Teacher, Warden, Nurse, Cook, Watchman, & Other posts
Number of Posts 60 Posts
Category Syllabus
Last Date to Apply 04 March 2020
Job Location  Mizoram
Official Website socialwelfare.mizoram.gov.in

DSW Mizoram Exam Pattern

Sl.No Name of the Subjects
1 General Knowledge
2 English
3 Reasoning
4 Aptitude
5 General Awareness
6 Computer Knowledge

As per the official notification, the contenders have an examination of the general topics. So the contenders check the exam pattern and get an idea of the examination. A total of 6 subjects will be there for the examination.

DSW Mizoram Syllabus 2020-Topics Wise

General Knowledge

  1. Books and Authors
  2. Indian Economy
  3. Science – Inventions & Discoveries
  4. Science and Technology
  5. Capitals of India
  6. Important Days
  7. Countries and Capitals
  8. Budget and Five Year Plans
  9. Awards and Honors
  10. General Policy
  11. International and National Organizations
  12. Indian History
  13. Sports
  14. Current Affairs – National and International.
  15. Indian National Movement


  1. Antonyms
  2. Synonyms
  3. Substitution
  4. Sentence Arrangement
  5. Sentence Improvement
  6. Active and Passive Voice
  7. Idioms and Phrases
  8. Para Completion
  9. Error Correction (Phrase in Bold)
  10. Joining Sentences
  11. Substitution
  12. Spotting Errors
  13. Sentence
  14. Fill in the blanks
  15. Error Correction (Underlined Part)
  16. Spelling Test
  17. Passage Completion
  18. Prepositions
  19. Completion
  20. Transformation


  1. Non-Verbal Test
  2. Arithmetical Reasoning
  3. Odd man out
  4. Visual Memory
  5. Clocks
  6. Space Visualization
  7. Number Classification
  8. Analytical Reasoning
  9. Problem Solving
  10. Discrimination
  11. Symbolic
  12. Letter series
  13. Relationship Concepts
  14. Venn diagrams
  15. Figural Classification
  16. Number series
  17. Similarities
  18. Shapes and Mirror
  19. Semantic Analogy
  20. Arithmetical Number Series
  21. Coding-Decoding

Computer Knowledge

  1. Introduction to Computer Science
  2. MS Word, Microsoft OneNote
  3. Emerging Technologies and Web Publishing
  4. Boolean Algebra
  5. MS Project,
  6. Microsoft Publisher
  7. Microsoft Outlook
  8. Workplace Productivity Tools
  9. Computer Networks
  10. MS PowerPoint
  11. The Internet
  12. PC Software and Office Automation
  13. Microsoft Access
  14. MS Visio and MS Excel
  15. Database Management System
  16. Data Structures

 General Aptitude

  1. Time and Work
  2. Average
  3. Profit and loss
  4. Ratio and Proportion
  5. Simple & Compound Interest
  6. LCM
  7. HCF
  8. Percentage
  9. Number System
  10. Mensuration
  11. Decimal Fraction
  12. Algebra etc.
  13. Time and Distance
  14. Unitary Method
  15. Simplification

General Awareness

  1. General Science
  2. Famous Places in India
  3. Current Affairs
  4. Indian Politics
  5. Sports
  6. Famous Books & Authors
  7. Tourism
  8. Rivers, Lakes, and Seas
  9. Inventions and Discoveries
  10. Indian Parliament
  11. Countries and Capitals
  12. Culture
  13. Indian History
  14. Artists
  15. Indian Economy

Directorate of Social Welfare Mizoram Syllabus 2020

Download here the DSW Mizoram Syllabus 2020 which is helpful to you to start your exam preparation to get the good results in the examination. So the candidate downloads all the subjects of the syllabus and begins your exam practice for the examination. Also that after downloading the syllabus you should have to prepare a time table to cover all the topics before the written examination. So the candidates don’t waste time and start your exam practicing and get the required score in the examination. Whenever you will practice well for the examination using this syllabus then only there will be a maximum chance to qualify in the examination. So don’t waste time and get the Directorate of Social Welfare Mizoram Syllabus 2020 for the examination and achieve your target.


Also check: DSW Mizoram Previous Papers

DSW Mizoram Syllabus

DSW Mizoram Exam Pattern

The officials of the Directorate of Social Welfare is an issue the DSW Mizoram Syllabus 2020 for the candidates who are ready to take the written test on the upcoming days using the official site of the socialwelfare.mizoram.gov.in. So the eligible and the applied candidates have to check the official site and download the DSW Mizoram Exam Pattern for the written test. Also that the officials are released the DSW Mizoram Syllabus 2020 for knowing that on what topics the officials are going to conduct the written test for the shortlisted candidates. While checking the socialwelfare.mizoram.gov.in Graduate Teacher Syllabus, Exam Pattern only you will get an idea of the written test. So use this Syllabus, exam pattern to get better knowledge for the written test.

Also Check: DSW Mizoram Admit Card 2020

Important Links

Download DSW Mizoram Syllabus 2020: Click Here

Finally, contenders while taking the exam preparation using this syllabus have to note down some of the im[portant points for better awareness of the examination this will helps you to answer any type of the questions in the examination. Some of the exams applied candidates are already started their exam preparation to get a good score in the examination. So practice more and achieve your target.

Frequently Asked Questions

How to collect the Directorate of Social Welfare Mizoram Syllabus 2020?

Directorate of Social Welfare Mizoram Syllabus is available on this page jobschat.in.

Mention the link to download the DSW Mizoram Graduate Teacher Syllabus 2020?

Check this page to get the links to download the DSW Mizoram Nurse, Cook Exam Pattern, Syllabus.