DCC Bank, Akola, Maharashtra released the Akola DCC Bank Syllabus 2021 for Junior Clerk officially. And these are involved in Question Paper Framing. That’s why everybody who is looking for the best knowledge of the Akola DCCB Junior Clerk Syllabus 2021 must use the given topics and must get complete knowledge on it. That too Akola DCC Bank Exam Pattern 2021 of Junior Clerk also provided i.e the basis on which question paper is prepared. Most of the contenders do not follow the Akola DCC Bank Exam Pattern 2021 of Junior Clerk although given by the Bank Authorities. Such candidates will get fewer marks in the exam so avoid that candidates follow the Akola DCC Bank Junior Clerk Test Pattern 2021.
Overview Of Akola DCC Bank Syllabus 2021
Name Of The Bank | Akola District Central Cooperative Bank (Akola DCC) |
Name Of The Posts | Junior Clerk Posts |
Number Of Posts | 100 Posts |
Category | Syllabus |
Official Website | www.akoladccbank.com |
Akola DCC Bank Syllabus 2021
Akola DCC Bank Junior Clerk Syllabus 2021 with Akola DCC Bank Test Pattern 2021 is provided on this page. Definitely, all the job applicants apply for this Job with an aim to secure them. That’s why they download Akola DCC Bank Syllabus 2021 in order to know the corresponding subjects and to first get the complete knowledge from basic topics onwards and further do practice the entire topics till they get clarity of answering the questions that will be asked in the exam. Those who achieve the maximum marks only have the chance of attaining entry to the interview. So, accordingly, do proper preparation with the topics involved in ADCC Akola Bank Exam Syllabus 2021 taking the help of Akola DCC Bank Junior Clerk Exam Pattern 2021.
Related Links
Akola DCC Bank Recruitment |
Akola DCC Bank Previous Papers |
Akola DCC Bank Admit Card |
Akola DCC Bank Answer Key |
Akola DCC Bank Result |
Akola DCC Bank Exam Pattern 2021
S.No | Subject Name | Questions | Marks | Medium | Duration |
1. | Reasoning | 35 | 35 | English | 35 minutes |
2. | English Language | 10 | 10 | 10 minutes | |
3. | General Awareness (with special reference to banking) |
35 | 35 | 35 minutes | |
4. | Computer Knowledge | 10 | 10 | 10 minutes | |
5. | Banking | 60 | 60 | 60 minutes | |
Total | 150 | 150 | 150 minutes |
For Junior Clerk Posts, the Akola District Central Cooperative Bank Test Pattern is given off which 150 Questions For 150 Marks will be given and Time offered will be of 2 Hours 30 minutes. So, plan accordingly to achieve the best marks.
Akola DCC Bank Syllabus 2021
- Arithmetic Reasoning
- Pattern Completion
- Classification
- Analytical Reasoning
- Cause and Effect
- Dice
- Character Puzzles
- Logical Sequence of Words
- Paper Cutting
- Cube and Cuboid
- Image Analysis
- Series Completion
- Series
- Water Images
- Syllogism
- Data Sufficiency
- Venn Diagrams
- Blood Relation Test
- Paper Folding
- Seating Arrangement
- Rule Detection
- Dot Situation
- Direction Sense Test
- Shape Construction
- Mirror Images
- Grouping of Images
- Verification of Truth
- Cubes and Dice
- Classification
- Figure Matrix
- Embedded Images
Quantitative Aptitude
- Compound Interest
- Volume and Surface Area
- Odd Man Out and Series
- Boats and Streams
- Calendar
- Time and Distance
- Chain Rule
- Problems on H.C.F & L.C.M
- Square Root and Cube Root
- Problems on Ages
- Percentage
- Permutation and Combination
- Numbers
- Pipes and Cistern
- Logarithm
- True Discount
- Allegation or Mixture
- Surds and Indices
- Problems on Trains
- Average
- Simplification
- Time and Work
- Stocks and Shares
- Profit and Loss
English Language
- A deriving conclusion from the passage
- Active and Passive voice
- Passage correction
- Spelling test
- Comprehension
- Common errors
- Idioms and phrases
- One word substitution
- Double Synonyms
- Passage completion
- Rearrangement of a sentence in paragraph
- Reconstruction of sentences
- Theme detection
- Spotting errors
- Antonyms
- Choosing the appropriate filler
- Synonyms
- Direct and Indirect Speech
- Sentence completion
- Vocabulary test
- Transformation
- Passage correction
- Spelling test
- Choosing the correct/incorrect sentence
Computer Knowledge
- MS PowerPoint
- PC Software and Office Automation
- MS Office
- Introduction to Computer Science
- Workplace Productivity Tools
- MS Excel
- Internet Usage
- Computer Software & Hardware
- Windows
- MS Word
General Awareness
- Geography
- Awards and Honors
- Abbreviations
- Important Days
- Economic Scene
- Culture
- General Politics
- Indian Constitution
- Science – Inventions & Discoveries
- Books and Authors
- Important Financial & Economic News
- Sports and Games
- Current events
- History
- Books
- Current Affairs – National & International
Important Links |
Akola DCC Bank Syllabus 2021 | Click Here |