Students download the CG PET Syllabus 2020, which was released by the board of the Chhattisgarh Professional Examination Board at the official website of So, candidates who have applied for the Chhattisgarh Pre-Engineering Test, those ones can get the Chhattisgarh PET Exam Syllabus in an easy manner. While in the preparation of the written examination, the Chhattisgarh Pre-Engineering Test Syllabus and Exam Pattern are very important. For that reason, at the bottom of the page, our team members have uploaded the detailed CG PET Exam Pattern for the best preparation of the written examination.
CG PET Syllabus 2020
To make the candidate’s preparation too easy, we have uploaded the Chhattisgarh PET Syllabus on this web page So, students who are dreamed to get the maximum marks in the exam, those ones must prepare for the exam with the help of the CG PET Syllabus 2020. Students remember one thing, if you will get the best marks in the exam, then only you will get the seat in the best and desired university or college. So, students without wasting one minute of time download the mentioned Syllabus and start the preparation. And also check the Chhattisgarh Pre-Engineering Test Exam Pattern for knowing that on what topics the examination is going to be conducted.
Chhattisgarh Pre-Engineering Test Syllabus 2020 Details
Name Of The Board | Chhattisgarh Professional Examination Board (CGPEB) |
Entrance Exam | Chhattisgarh Pre-Engineering Test 2020 (CG PET 2020) |
Type of Exam | Entrance Test |
Admission Courses | Admission Test for Engineering, Dairy Technology, and Agriculture Engineering |
Category | Entrance Exam Syllabus |
Location | Chhattisgarh |
Admit Card Date | Expected to be in the month of May 2020 |
Exam Date | 08th May 2020 (9:00 AM to 12:15 PM) |
Final Results Status | 01st June 2020 |
Counseling Dates | Expected to be in July/August 2020 |
Seat Allotment Dates | July/ August 2020 |
Official Website | |
CG PET Exam Pattern 2020
S. No. | Name of the Subjects | No of Questions | Total Marks | Total Duration |
1. | Mathematics | 50 | 50 | 3 Hours |
2. | Physics | 50 | 50 | |
3. | Chemistry | 50 | 50 | |
Total | 150 | 150 |
CG PET Syllabus 2020-Topic Wise
- Differential calculus
- Statistics
- CO-ordinate geometry of three dimensions
- Integral calculus
- Differential equations
- Numerical methods
- Information technology
- Trigonometry
- Algebra
- Numerical Methods
- Semiconductor
- Electron, photon, and radioactivity
- Gravitation
- waves
- Rotational motion and moment of inertia
- Magnetism
- Electrostatics
- Measurement
- Properties of solids and fluids
- Heat and thermodynamics
- Oscillation
- Kinematics
- Force and laws of motion
- Work energy and power
- Electromagnetic induction and alternating current
- Effect of electric current
- Light
- Current electricity
Organic Chemistry
- Organic compounds based on the functional group-containing nitrogen
- Chemistry in daily life
- Chemistry of hydrocarbon
- Biomolecules
- Organic compounds containing organic oxygen
Inorganic Chemistry
- Chemical periodicity
- Co-ordination compound
- Comparative study of elements
- Transitions metals
- Principles of metallurgical operations
- Chemical analysis
You may also check >>>>CG PET Notification
Chhattisgarh PET Syllabus 2020 PDF
Some of the applicants are get struggled to get the download links of the CG PET Syllabus 2020 at the official site of the For that reason, we have highlighted download links on this web page. Due to that reason, all the applicants can collect the Chhattisgarh Pre-Engineering Test Raipur Syllabus in a very simple manner. By seeing the mentioned CGPEB PET Syllabus 2020, candidates can get brief clarity about the written examination which is going to be conducted on the month of 8th May 2020 and also know from which subjects the questions will appear in the written examination. So, candidates without any doubt download the Chhattisgarh PET Syllabus 2020 PDF from this web page.
You may also check >>>>CG PET Admit Card
Check CG PET Exam Pattern
The detailed Chhattisgarh PET Exam Pattern has mentioned on this web page. So, students once refer to the provided exam pattern. After that, find out the toughest subject among all the subjects in the CG PET Exam Pattern. Later on, improve your knowledge on those subjects with the help of the CG PET Syllabus 2020. Applicants if you want to get the highest marks in the Chhattisgarh Pre Engineering Test Examination then must cover all the subjects in the exam pattern with the Chhattisgarh Pre Engineering Test Syllabus before going to appear for the written exam. because of the effective practice for the examination using this syllabus then only you will get an idea of your examination. So start practicing and achieve your goal.
You may also check >>>CG PET Results
Important Links
Download Chhattisgarh Pre-Engineering Test Syllabus 2020
Frequently Asked Questions
How to get the CG PET Syllabus 2020 for the examination?
From this page or else in the official site you will get the Chhattisgarh Pre-Engineering Test Syllabus for the examination.
What is the date of the CG PET examination?
On 8th May 2020 from 9.00 Am to 12.30 PM the CGPEB PET Raipur Examination is going to be conducted.
Is this CG PET Syllabus 2020 is released by the officials or not?
yes, this CG PET Syllabus is released by the officials of the Chhattisgarh Professional Examination Board.