Goa PSC Veterinary Officer Syllabus 2020 || Check Goa PSC Veterinary Officer, Junior Scale Officer & Other Posts Exam Pattern @ gpsc.goa.gov.in

Download here the Goa PSC Veterinary Officer Syllabus 2020 for the written examination released by the officials of the Goa Public Service Commission (Goa PSC) using the official link of the gpsc.goa.gov.in. The aspirants need to check the Goa PSC Junior Scale Officer Syllabus 2020 and begin your exam preparation for the examination. And along with that, you can also check the Goa PSC Assistant Exam Pattern for knowing that the subjects for the examination.

Goa PSC Veterinary Officer Syllabus 2020 | Goa PSC Assistant Exam Pattern

After successful completion of the written examination, all the aspirants need to download the Goa PSC Veterinary Officer Syllabus 2020 to start the exam practicing for the written examination. For that reason on this page, we are giving detailed information regarding this. So the aspirants don’t waste time and download the Goa PSC Medical Officer Syllabus 2020 and start your exam practicing. And also you should have to check the Goa PSC Assistant Exam Pattern for knowing the subject wise topics that are coming in the written examination. So the aspirants check the exam pattern and make a time table to cover all the subjects before the examination.


Overview of Goa PSC Veterinary Officer Syllabus 2020

Organization NameĀ  Goa Public Service Commission (Goa PSC)
Name of the Posts Senior Psychiatrist, Medical Officer, Assistant Professor, Junior Scale Officer & Other Posts
No Of posts 74 Posts
Category Syllabus
Exam Date Expected in February 2020 / March 2020
Job Location Goa
Official Website gpsc.goa.gov.in

Goa PSC Veterinary Officer Exam Pattern

Subject Name Type of Examination
Part A Veterinary Officer Objective type

Goa PSC Junior Scale Officer Exam Pattern

Paper Parts Subject Name No.of Marks Time Duration
Paper-1 Part A General Intelligence, reasoning and numerical aptitude 50 60 Mins
PartĀ  B basics of Indian Constitution, Governance, and Administration 75 120 mins
Part C general knowledge and current affairs 75 120 Mins
Paper-2 Part D English Comprehension 50 90 Mins

Here you will get the individual exam pattern for the written examination. Each exam pattern having there its own criteria.Ā  And the junior scale officer exam pattern having two papers and each paper contains the own criteria of the marks and the time duration. So check the exam pattern above and get an idea of the examination.

Goa PSC Veterinary Officer Syllabus 2020-Topics Wise

Veterinary Officer

  1. General epidemiology
  2. Endoscopic
  3. Clinical manifestations
  4. Treatment, prevention, and control of infectious diseases of livestock and poultry
  5. General principles of milk
  6. Modes
  7. Meat and environmental hygiene
  8. Regional and clinical surgical procedures
  9. Radiological
  10. Anesthesiology
  11. Veterinary jurisprudence and ethics with respect to the veteran-legal role of veterinarians
  12. USG and other diagnostic as well as therapeutic pre and post-operative procedures
  13. Characters of estrus in different species of domestic animals
  14. Andrology
  15. Artificial insemination
  16. pregnancy diagnosis
  17. Fertility
  18. zoonoses and public health
  19. diseases and accidents during gestation


  1. Analogy.
  2. Eligibility Test.
  3. Puzzle Test.
  4. Alphabet Test.
  5. Logic.
  6. Number, Ranking & Time Sequence.
  7. Alpha-Numeric Sequence Puzzle.
  8. Statement ā€“ Conclusions.
  9. Mathematical Operations.
  10. Logical Sequence of Words.
  11. Statement ā€“ Arguments.
  12. Arithmetical Reasoning.

General Knowledge

  1. General Polity including Indian Constitution.
  2. Economic Scene.
  3. Sports & Games.
  4. Countries & Currencies.
  5. Sports.
  6. Scientific Research.
  7. Current GK.
  8. Geography.
  9. Countries and Capitals.
  10. Art & Culture.
  11. Daily News.
  12. Famous Personalities.
  13. Culture.
  14. Current Events.
  15. States & Capitals.
  16. History.
  17. National & Internation affairs.


  1. Antonyms.
  2. Grammar.
  3. Articles.
  4. Unseen Passages.
  5. Adjectives.
  6. Synonyms.
  7. Idioms & Phrases.
  8. Sentence Rearrangement.
  9. Subject-Verb Agreement.

Numerical Aptitude

  1. Percentages.
  2. relationship between Numbers.
  3. Number Systems.
  4. Fundamental Arithmetical Operations.
  5. Time and Distance
  6. Time and Work.
  7. Ratio & Proportion.
  8. Profit and Loss.
  9. Use of Tables and Graphs Mensuration.
  10. Computation of Whole Numbers.
  11. Decimals and Fractions.
  12. Interest & Discount.
  13. Averages.
  14. Ratio and Time.

gpsc.goa.gov.in Assistant Syllabus 2020

The higher authority of the Goa Public Service Commission (Goa PSC) is released the Goa PSC Veterinary Officer Syllabus 2020 for the contenders who are going to take the written examination on upcoming days to increase their intelligence levels of the examination. So the candidates have to check the official link of gpsc.goa.gov.in and get the Goa PSC Medical Officer Syllabus 2020 for the written examination. Whenever you will practice more for the examination using this gpsc.goa.gov.inĀ Assistant Syllabus 2020 then there will be a lot of chances to score the maximum marks in the written test. So the aspirants practice more for the examination with perfect planning to cover all the topics before the examination.

Also Check: Goa PSC Veterinary Officer Admit Card 2020

Goa PSC Veterinary Officer Syllabus

Goa PSC Junior Scale Officer Exam Pattern

Candidates who are searching for the Goa PSC Veterinary Officer Syllabus 2020 on different websites here if the goos news for you. The officials are released the Goa PSC Senior Psychiatrist Syllabus 2020 for the candidates who are ready to take the written examination. So the candidates have to check the official link and get the Goa PSC Junior Scale OfficerĀ  Syllabus 2020 for the written examination. And also in the notification, you will get the Goa PSC Junior Scale Officer Exam Pattern for getting an idea of on what topics the officials will make the question papers for the written examination. So check the Goa PSC Syllabus 2020 carefully and cover all topics on are before the examination with perfect time management.

Also Check: Goa PSC Veterinary OfficerĀ Previous papers

Important Links

Download Goa PSC Veterinary Officer Syllabus 2020: Click HereĀ 

Goa PSC CBRT Junior Scale Officer Syllabus 2020: Click HereĀ 

Goa PSC Junior Scale Officer Syllabus 2020: Click HereĀ 

Finally, candidates who are practice more for the examination using this Senior Psychiatrist will get more chances to qualify ion the written examination. And the candidates who will score the top marks in the examination those are find their names in the merit list which is shortlisted by the officials of the Goa Public Service Commission (Goa PSC).

Frequently Asked Questions

When will the Goa PSC Veterinary Officer Examination conduct?

Wait for the official announcement. Click Here

Is this Goa PSC Veterinary Officer Exam Pattern released by the officials or not?

Yes, this is given by the officials of the Goa PSC.