HARTRON SETC Syllabus 2020 || HARTRON State Eligibility Test Exam Pattern @ hartron.org.in

Get the topic wise HARTRON SETC Syllabus 2020 for the written examination which is released by the higher authority of the Haryana State Electronics Development Corporation Limited using the official site of the hartron.org.in. So the eligible candidates have to check the main site and download the SETC HARTRON Syllabus 2020 and get start your exam preparation. And also you should have to check the HARTRON SETC Exam Pattern for better awareness of the examination.

HARTRON SETC Syllabus 2020

The contenders who are searching for the different online for the HARTRON SETC Syllabus 2020 here is the good news for you. Here on this page jobschat.in, we are giving some of the direct links to download the syllabus for the written examination. So the candidates don’t waste your valuable time by searching in other sites and get start your exam preparation.  Because of the officials are already given the date of the admit card release. So the candidates have to collect the syllabus and start exam preparation for the written test. Also that on this page you will get the information of the HARTRON SETC Exam Pattern for knowing that on what topics the higher authority will be going to conduct the written test for the eligible one. so check this overall page and collect the required information for the written test.


Highlights of HARTRON SETC Syllabus 2020

Name of Organisation Haryana State Electronics Development Corporation Limited
Course Name State Eligibility Test in Computer Appreciation & Applications (SETC)
No Of posts Various
Category Syllabus
Exam Date Mentioned in the Admit Card
Admit Card Date 20th March 2020
Selection Process Written Test, Interview
Job Location Haryana
Official Website hartron.org.in [OR] setchartron.in


Part-I  Questions Type of Exam
Introduction to Computer 50 Objective Type MCQs
Introduction to Windows
Word Processing
WWW and Web Browsers
Introduction to E-mail

Candidates who are going to take the written test having the examination on the above tabler topics. And the examination is going to be conducted for 50 marks. The candidates have the examination of the objective type multiple-choice questions.


Download here the HARTRON SETC Syllabus 2020 which is released by the higher authority of the Haryana State Electronics Development Corporation Limited at their official web portal of the hartron.org.in. So the contenders have to check the main site and get the syllabus for the written test. After collecting the syllabus make a time table to cover all the topics before the examination. Because of the admit card will release in the 20th March 2020. So the examination is going to be held in a short span of time. So the contenders don’t waste time and get the HARTRON SETC Test Syllabus 2020 PDF and start your exam preparation.

Also Check: HARTRON SETC Admit Card 2020


HARTRON State Eligibility Test Exam Pattern

The higher authority will be going to conduct the written examination for the candidates who are successfully completed their application process on the suggested dates. For the examination, all the applied candidates have to download the HARTRON SETC Syllabus 2020 for getting eh good results in the written examination. Also that you should have to check the HARTRON State Eligibility Test Exam Pattern for knowing that on what type of topics the examination is going to be conducted for the eligible candidates. Without having the idea of the exam pattern there will be a chance to do not cover all the topics before the examination. So check the exam pattern carefully and get an idea of the written test.

Also, Check:  HARTRON SETC Previous Papers

Important Links

Download HARTRON SETC Syllabus 2020 pdf: Click Here 


Finally, the contenders while practicing for the written test using this syllabus note down some of the important points and the fundamentals for better awareness. This will helps you to answer any type of question in the written examination. So practice more and get good results in the examination.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the link to get the HARTRON SETC Syllabus 2020?

At this page jobschat.in, you will get the link to download the HARTRON State Eligibility Test in Computer Syllabus 2020.

Mention date of the HARTRON SETC Examination?

That will be there on the HARTRON State Eligibility Test in Computer Admit Card.