Indian Army Soldier Result 2021 – Download Indian Army Soldier General Duty Merit List @

Indian Army Soldier Result 2021 of 28th March 2021 exam be released at tentatively in May 2021. Various Candidates who have registered for the recruitment are waiting for the Indian Army Soldier General Duty Result 2021. So, the Ministry of Defence will announce the Marks with the Indian Army Soldier Merit List 2021 intimating the candidate’s list who can appear in the selection rounds. Only those must appear for the informed dates on the specified schedule. Otherwise, they will not be considered for the final selection. If the candidate has any queries with the Indian Army Soldier GD Merit List 2021 inform the Indian Army as fastly as possible before the next round commencement.

Indian Army Soldier Result

Indian Army Soldier Result 2021 Particulars

Name Of The Department Indian Army, Ministry of Defence
Post Names Solder General Duty (Women Military Police)
Number Of Openings 99 Vacancies
Category Rojgar Results
Exam Date 28th March 2021
Result Date Tentatively in May 2021
Official Portal and

Indian Army Soldier General Duty Result 2021

Indian Army Soldier General Duty Merit List 2021 searching candidates must verify the List when the Ministry of Defence announced. Tentatively in May 2021, the Indian Army Soldier Result 2021 be announced. So, all the contenders must verify their marks by opening the Result. If the candidate scored marks will not be equal to the qualifying marks, they will not be allowed for further selection. So, everyone must immediately download the Indian Army Soldier General Duty Result 2021. will inform the Indian Army Soldier Result Date and even the Link after the officials announced. All are requested to verify the Marks through Indian Army Soldier Merit List 2021 that will be released through the sites


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The process to Check Indian Army Soldier Merit List 2021 @

  1. At first, all the exam appeared candidates visit the Join Indian Army website
  2. Go to the Flash News.
  3. Find the Indian Army Soldier General Duty Merit List 2021.
  4. Open it and mention the Roll Number and/ or Name of the Aspirant.
  5. If the Candidate achieves the qualifying marks, their name is displayed on the Indian Army Soldier Selected List 2021.

Important Links

Indian Army Soldier General Duty Result 2021 – Download (Not Yet Released)