ITBP Constable Driver Syllabus 2020 followed by Exam Pattern is given by ITBP Officials at for informing the contenders about the structure of question paper and topics which are involved in the exam. So, they can easily go on learning the ITBP Driver Syllabus 2020 in an easy process if they find all the topics in one place. But, they need to give enough time for gaining sufficient knowledge for the topics given on the ITBP Constable Driver Exam Syllabus PDF 2020.
ITBP Constable Driver Syllabus 2020 | ITBP Driver Exam Pattern
ITBP Driver Syllabus 2020 for the exam appearing ones are prepared by ITBP Authorities and given as the contenders have to know on what Subjects they need to practice. If it’s not given, it is very impossible to learn the exam paper by giving questions. That’s the only concern the ITBP given ITBP Constable Driver Exam Pattern 2020 on Advertisement of which respective Topics have to be gathered and placed as an ITBP Constable Driver Syllabus 2020 PDF for free by, Simply by having basic knowledge on them even may improve the score that the candidate dreamt of. Not only Hardwork is needed, techniques like answering questions within seconds also are learned as 100 questions to be answered within Two Hours of time. So, adopt that also while doing preparation for the exam with Driver Syllabus 2020 itself.
Also, Check: ITBP Constable Driver Admit Card 2020
ITBP Constable Driver Syllabus 2020 Overview
Name Of The Organisation | Indo Tibetan Border Force (ITBP) |
Name Of The Posts | Constable (Driver) Posts |
Number Of Posts | 134 Posts |
Category | Syllabus |
Admit Cards Date | 06.01.2020 |
Exam Date | 19th January 2020 |
Official Website | |
ITBP Constable Driver Exam Pattern
Sl.No | Name Of The Subject | Number Of Marks | Number of Questions | Time Duration |
1 | General knowledge | 10 | 10 | 2 Hours |
2 | Mathematics | 10 | 10 | |
3 | Hindi | 10 | 10 | |
4 | English | 10 | 10 | |
5 | Trade-Related Theory Questions (MCQ) | 60 | 60 | |
Total | 100 | 100 |
As per the Driver Exam Pattern 2020, total of Five Subjects is given in the exam of which respective Trade contains 60 questions out of 100 questions that are asked in the exam. Remaining Four Subjects are given for 10 Marks individual and Total marks of the exam are 100 of which time offered is Two Hours and standard of questions is of 10th Standard and questions are given in Hindi and English Languages.
ITBP Constable Driver Syllabus 2020 – Topic Wise
General Knowledge
- Economy
- Indian Polity & Governance
- Indian Constitution
- Science & Technology
- About India
- Geography – India & The World
- Cultural Heritage
- Indian National Movement
- History – India & The World
- Simple Interest
- Problem on Numbers
- Time and Work
- Averages
- Probability
- Percentages
- Simple Equations
- Odd man out
- Numbers and Ages
- Pipes and Cisterns
- Areas
- Vocabulary
- Sandi
- Muhavare
- Synonyms
- Samas
- One word substitutions
- Idioms and Phrases
- Grammar
- Antonyms
- Fill in the blanks
- Comprehension Passage
- Sentence Rearrangement
- Tenses
- Articles
- Fill in the Blanks
- Comprehension
- Subject-Verb Agreement
- Vocabulary
- Adverb
- Grammar
- Idioms & Phrases
- Unseen Passages
- Synonyms
- Verb
- Error Correction
- Antonyms
Trade-Related Theory Questions
- Varies Based On the Trade
Practical (Skill) Test Pattern
SN | Subject | Marks |
1 |
All checks before engine starting and
knowledge about vehicle sensor and signals and
rearview mirror adjustment
05 |
2 |
The smooth straight head driving with gears
changing, top gear speed, change to lower gear
from top gear in different traffic conditions
05 |
3 |
Vehicle uphill and downhill operations, stop and restart at steep gradient without rolling back
05 |
4 |
The technique of overtaking, giving a pass, change of lanes and lane driving and other
05 |
5 |
Use of hand signals and electric signals,
emergency stops, precautions & safety
05 |
6 |
Vehicle reversing, Garaging on & offside and taking out the vehicle from different restrictions,
turning of a vehicle left, right and stopping, etc
05 |
7 |
Show courtesy and consideration for the safety and convenience of other road users, such as pedestrians, drivers, and other motor vehicles or
05 |
8 |
Knowledge about the mandatory, warning and informatory road signs
05 |
9 |
Knowledge about driver’s duty in case of
05 |
10 |
Knowledge about the motor mechanisms (candidate should be able to remove minor defects in vehicles)
05 |
50 Marks |
ITBP Driver Syllabus @
As the exam is conducted in OMR Based, it will be easy for the candidates to do qualify the exam if they are good at ITBP Driver Syllabus 2020. Mostly, contenders just do learn and leave them, But, it may lead to forgetting the knowledge. That’s why continuous learning must be followed except on the exam date. After completing entire topics, the revision also is done multiple times if possible for easy remembering of the basics, formulas, etc that will lead to answering the difficult questions even if asked from the ITBP Constable Driver Syllabus 2020 in the exam. If any applicant is unable to maintain efficient knowledge on any subject although preparing well, they must give high priority to that beause all the subjects have marks allocation in the exam.
ITBP Constable Driver Exam Pattern
By checking the tabular format given, all must know ITBP Constable Driver Test Pattern 2020 and will make the groundwork as per that, because the questions will give as per that pattern from related subjects. Those who don’t visit the ITBP Driver Exam Pattern offered through may not know the paper pattern and will not secure qualifying marks even, So, they must carry the groundwork by following the ITBP Constable Driver Exam Syllabus 2020 with Test Pattern. Respective Model Papers also be solved within the preparation because they come to know how far their preparation get succeeded and can go on modifying the mistakes that are done by them.
Also, Check: ITBP Constable Driver Previous Papers
Important Links
Download ITBP Constable Driver Syllabus 2020: Click Here
This ITBP Driver Exam Syllabus 2020 must be utilized in a maximum way as far as the contender get sophisticated knowledge on the Topics involved. Questions from these topics in the exam will be given. So, don’t waste time searching for other subjects which are not in the exam for preparation.