JNTUK 2-2 Academic Calendar 2022 – 23 – Download R20, R19, R16, R13, R10, R09 JNTU Kakinada B.Tech, B.Pharmacy 2-2 Academic Calendar @ www.jntuk.edu.in

A JNTUK 2-2 Academic Calendar 2022 – 23 is a planned document that was designed by the knowledgeable persons of the JNTU Kakinada. After they designed the JNTU Kakinada 2-2 Academic Calendar 2022 they will share it through the official website which is www.jntuk.edu.in. Basically, the purpose of designing and publishing the JNTUK 2-2 Sem Academic Calendar 2022-23 is to organize the academic year in an orderly. So students and the faculty of the JNTUK should follow the JNTUK B.Tech 2-2 Academic Calendar 2022-23. If you take any course you have to follow that particular JNTUK B.Pharm 2-2 Academic Calendar 2022-23. Complete this entire article to get the full information about the JNTUK 2-1 Academic Calendar 2022-23 R20, R19, R16, R13, R10, R09.

Details Of JNTUK 2-2 Academic Calendar 2022 – 23

Name Of The University Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University (JNTU), Kakinada
Name Of The Courses B.Tech, B.Pharmacy
Regulations R20, R19, R16, R13, R10, R09
Category JNTUK Academic Calendar
Official Site www.jntuk.edu.in

JNTU Kakinada 2-2 Academic Calendar 2022

The majority of the students are searching for the JNTUK 2-2 Academic Calendar 2022 – 23 on various sources on the internet. For those students, we are writing this article to help in getting the JNTU Kakinada 2-2 Academic Calendar 2022 from the official website i.e www.jntuk.edu.in. So stick to this article until to get the required details of the JNTUK 2-2 Sem Academic Calendar 2022-23. For the entire academic year, students must collect the academic calendar from this site or from the official web portal.


JNTUK B.Tech 2-2 Academic Calendar 2022-23 will give full clarity to each and every student before they start their academic year. Some students may see the academic calendar in the middle of the academic year but that wan no use. When you put the first step into the academic year from that day onwards you must follow the JNTUK B.Pharm 2-2 Academic Calendar 2022-23. Then only you will complete all your semesters in a successful manner. Keep an eye on our jobschat.in website to get the latest updates regarding the JNTUK B.Tech 2-2 Academic Calendar 2022-23.

JNTUK 1-1 Academic Calendar
JNTUK 1-2 Academic Calendar
JNTUK 2-1 Academic Calendar
JNTUK 3-1 Academic Calendar
JNTUK 3-2 Academic Calendar
JNTUK 4-1 Academic Calendar
JNTUK 4-2 Academic Calendar
JNTUK 2-2 Results
JNTUK 2-2 Syllabus
JNTUK 2-2 Previous Paper
JNTUK 2-2 Time Table
JNTUK 2-2 Exam Notifications

Procedure To Get JNTUK B.Tech 2-2 Academic Calendar 2022-23

  • Initially visit the www.jntuk.edu.in website.
  • Now go to the academic calendar page by clicking on it.
  • The academic calendar link will be obtained under the section of academic.
  • After entering the new page you have to search for the JNTUK B.Tech 2-2 Academic Calendar 2022-23.
  • Once you find it tap on it.
  • Finally, get the academic calendar.

Download JNTUK 2-1 Academic Calendar 2022-23: Click Here