For the preparation of the exam, the KMAT Karnataka Syllabus 2020 has released by the board of the Karnataka Private Post Graduate Colleges Association at the official website So, students who are waiting for the Karnataka Management Aptitude Test Syllabus, those ones can download now. Candidates once read the whole topics available on the KMAT India Syllabus 2020 and do necessary preparation for the written examination. Such as download links of the KMAT Karnataka Syllabus and KMAT Karnataka Exam Pattern of the written examination. So, all the applicants collect the whole details and prepare for the exam.
KMAT Karnataka Syllabus 2020 | KMAT India Exam Pattern
Collect Karnataka Management Aptitude Test Syllabus 2020, the download links are available at the bottom of the web page. Most of the candidates are wasting their valuable time to search other sites for the purpose of the get the download links of the KMAT Karnataka Syllabus 2020, but there is no use. Candidates, now you are on the correct website Because here on this web page, we have uploaded the detailed information about the Syllabus 2020. So, students just refer to the whole page and get the necessary details of the Karnataka Management Aptitude Test. As the KMAT Karnataka Exam Pattern for MBA, MCA Courses are the same, students no need to do separate exam preparation or cover extra Topics other than the topics that are given on the KMAT Karnataka Syllabus 2020.
Also, Check: KMAT Karnataka Notification 2020
KMAT Karnataka Syllabus 2020 Details
Name Of The Board | Karnataka Private Post Graduate Colleges Association (KPPGCA) |
Entrance Exam | Karnataka Management Aptitude Test (KMAT) 2020 |
Admission Courses | MBA, PGDM, MCA courses |
Category | Entrance Exam Syllabus |
Location | Karnataka State |
Starting Date To Apply | May 2020/ June 2020 |
Ending Date To Apply | May 2020/ June 2020 |
Admit Card Date | July 2020/ August 2020 |
Written Exam Date | July 2020/ August 2020 |
Final Results Status | Last Week of August 2020 |
Counseling Dates | In the month of September 2020 |
Seat Allotment Dates | September 2020 |
Official Website | |
KMAT Karnataka Exam Pattern 2020 – For MBA, MCA Courses
Sl No |
Name of the Test ADVERTISEMENT
Total Questions |
Time Duration |
Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension |
40 |
120 Minutes |
2 |
Quantitative Ability |
40 |
3 |
Logical Reasoning |
40 |
4 | Total |
120 Questions |
KMAT Karnataka Exam Pattern 2020
Some of the candidates have the KMAT Karnataka Syllabus 2020 of MBA, MCA, PGDM Courses, but they are looking for the KMAT Karnataka Exam Pattern of the written examination. Because without seeing the KMAT Karnataka Exam Pattern, no one can’t get the clarity about the exam paper. For that reason, we have uploaded both the information on this web page. So, students collect the syllabus and Karnataka Management Aptitude Test Exam Pattern from this web page at a time, which may lead to saving time. After the start the preparation of the written examination. Because of the time is very less for the KMAT Karnataka Test.
Also, Check: KMAT Admit Card 2020 Syllabus 2020
Candidates who have submitted the application form to the Karnataka Private Post Graduate Colleges Association Board to study the MBA, MCA or PGDM courses, those ones must download the KMAT Karnataka Syllabus 2020 from this web page. Because if you will get the maximum marks in the exam, then only you will select the dreamed collection to study further studies. So, applicants without any doubt download the Karnataka KMAT Syllabus from this web page and prepare hard for the exam. Along with the Syllabus, you may also catch the download links of the Previous Papers.
Also, Check: KMAT Karnataka Previous Papers
Important Links To Download KMAT Karnataka Syllabus 2020
Download Karnataka Management Aptitude Test Syllabus 2020: Click Here
Karnataka KMAT Syllabus
For the sake of all the visitors, we are come out with valuable information i.e KMAT Karnataka Syllabus 2020. So, students who are seriously preparing for the exam to get the highest marks in the exam, those ones make sure to download the Karnataka Management Aptitude Test Syllabus from this web page with the free of worth. For the best exam preparation, this KPPGCA KMAT Syllabus is very useful and essential. So, candidates immediately without any confusion download the syllabus from this web page and make your preparation too strong and easy. As every subject has equal marks all must do give proper importance for the learning process because if students achieved higher marks in each one, the probability of getting admission into that Contender based Course and College is high.
Frequently Asked Questions
Where can we Get KMAT Karnataka Syllabus 2020?
Through Download Link of the Karnataka Management Aptitude Test Syllabus 2020 given at, all can attain it for free.
Is there is any Negative Marks in the Exam?
No there are no negative marks in the KMAT Karnataka Exam.
What is the total number of Marks and time duration offered as per the Karnataka KMAT Exam Pattern 2020?
As per the KMAT Karnataka Test Pattern 2020, Time offered for the exam is 2 Hours by giving 120 questions.