NIOS 12th Result 2020 | Download NIOS Senior Secondary Result, Marksheet @

NIOS 12th Result 2020 shall be given for the students who took the exam on respective dates. NIOS Across India conducts the exams and accordingly provide NIOS Senior Secondary Result 2020. So, all just need to do is know that marks by opening the NIOS Result of 12th by opening the site and even by Downloading NIOS 12th Marksmemo. Because on the Marksmemo it is clear about all the subjects marks that the students get.

NIOS 12th Result 2020 | NIOS Senior Secondary Result Download

Those who are waiting for NIOS Result 2020 Class 12 of both April, as well as October months, are on the right site. has given a direct link to verify Student marks that are being offered with NIOS 12th Result 2020, By checking these marks, all come to know how far they get succeeded in attaining marks. Those who fail in any of the subjects are not able to allowed to find the Grade/ Percentages. For doing that, all have to pass in all subjects. NIOS On Demand Result of 12th Class also is verified by the student if anybody took that exam. Students here at this page, you can find the exact status of the NIOS Senior Secondary Result with a direct link to download.


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NIOS 12th Result 2020 Overview

Name Of The Board National Institute Of Open Schooling (NIOS)
Name Of The Exam NIOS 12th Class/ Senior Secondary Examination
 Category Board Exam Result
Exam Date March – April 2020 Exams
  1. Practical Exam Date: 11th to 25th March 2020
  2. Theoretical Exam Date: 24th March to 24th April 2020

October 2020 Exams

  1. Practical Exam Date: 16th to 30th September
  2. Theoretical Exam Date: 03rd October to 02nd November 2020
Result Date
  1. April 2020 Exams: June 2020 (Expected)
  2. October 2020 Exams: December 2020 (Expected)
Official Website

How To Download NIOS Senior Secondary Result 2020?

  1. Students Open the NIOS Page
  2. Go to the Results and Choose Secondary and Senior Secondary.
  3. Then “” may get open and all need to do is choose Public Examination Result.
  4. Use the link given and find NIOS Senior Secondary Results by giving the Enrollment Number.
  5. Then take a xerox copy of the NIOS 12th Result 2020 for further usage.

NIOS Senior Secondary Result 2020 Download

Although the students attempted the exam, they don’t know the exact availability of the NIOS Senior Secondary Result 2020 Date. So, they may visit the NIOS Portal, and get the information daily which is related to the NIOS Senior Secondary Result 2020. All need to do is act according to the info and get the maximum information and find subject wise and total marks and percentages. Those who students who are withheld due to copy/ malpractice their exam related marks i.e NIOS Withheld Result Senior Secondary also be informed here.

NIOS 12th Result

NIOS 12th Marksheet 2020

NIOS 12th Result 2020 is required for a student to know how many marks you get. Because without these marks, it’s not possible to do their higher studies. That’s why all prepared well and given their best with an aim to achieve the best marks for making their study of higher in a good way. In the process, if any student gets failed in the subjects, have to enroll for an On-demand exam that is to be held immediately after NIOS 12th Marksheet 2020 announcement and students have to take that test and to know their marks need to open NIOS 12th Supplementary Result 2020. Additionally, some contenders apply for rechecking and make check the NIOS 12th Rechecking Result 2020 to confirm they get increased their marks or not.

Also, Check: NIOS 10th Result 2020


Useful Links

National Institute Of Open Schooling 12th Class Result 2020: Download

NIOS On Demand Result 2020 Class 12th: Download

NIOS Withheld Results 2020 Class 12th: Download

Don’t refer to another page other than this as the students find NIOS Senior Secondary Result with On-demand and NIOS 12th Revaluation Result directly for free of cost. Those who are unable to find their NIOS Senior Secondary Result online can collect it frm a concerned school/ college they study.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is NIOS 12th Result 2020 considered for NEET?

Yes, For NEET Counselling, students who attempted this NIOS Exam and get best marks through NIOS 12th Results are also eligible.

On what date, the NIOS Senior Secondary Results released?

Tentatively in June 2020 for April 2020 Exams and Tentatively on December 2020 for October 2020 Exams, the NIOS12th Exam Result is offered.