SCCL MT Syllabus 2020 of all the trades is given by SCCL Board at and it’s the time of aspirants to make use of the preparation of the topic which is available on the SCCL Management Trainee Syllabus 2020 by following the SCCL MT Exam Pattern. Because if candidates are good at the Syllabus only qualifying the exam is very easier. So, don’t leave anyone topic also in the given SCCL Management Trainee E&M Exam Syllabus PDF 2020.
SCCL MT Syllabus 2020 | SCCL MT Exam Pattern
SCCL Management Trainee Syllabus 2020: Candidates are you still searching for the Singareni Collieries Company Limited Management Trainee Syllabus 2020? The applied candidates must require the Official SCCL MT Exam Pattern 2020. Without knowing this you can not even move a step forward. You must have Wide knowledge to attain the marks of the exam. That’s why SCCL released the Official SCCL Management Trainee E&M Syllabus 2020, the candidates who are willing to participate in the recruitment selection process may use them to practice. Mostly the SCCL wants to select the candidates who qualify the exam. On this web page, aspirants can download the SCCL Management Trainee Syllabus after submitting the registration form to the SSCL Recruitment Board.
Details Of SCCL MT Syllabus 2020
Board Name | The Singareni Collieries Company Limited (SCCL) |
Post Names | Management Trainee (E&M, Hydrogeologist, Trainer, Geophysicist) Posts |
Number Of Posts | 107 Posts |
Category | Syllabus |
Admit Card Release Date | Released |
Exam Date | 01st March 2020 |
Official Website | |
SCCL MT Exam Pattern 2020
I) For E&M Trade
S.NO | Subject | Questions | Marks | Duration |
01 | Electrical Subjects | 50 | 50 | 60 minutes |
02 | Mechanical Subjects | 50 | 50 | 60 minutes |
II) For Remaining Trades
S.No | Exam Type | Subject Names |
1 | Objective Type | General Knowledge |
2 | Quantitative Aptitude | |
3 | General English | |
4 | Reasoning | |
5 | Finance and Accounting |
SCCL MT Exam Pattern of E&M Trade along with other trades also given and applicants may prepare the exam as per the Subjects given. If applicants cover all the Subjects given then only they have the probability of attaining the Job. If they don’t cover any of the SCCL MT Exam Pattern given, they definitely lost the marks in the exam.
Singareni Collieries Company Limited Management Trainee Syllabus 2020: Topic Wise
General Knowledge
- Sports.
- Abbreviations.
- Awards and Honors.
- Important Economic and Financial News.
- Also, Current Events.
- National & International Current Affairs.
- Countries and Capitals.
- International & National Organizations.
- Science – Inventions & Discoveries etc.
- Also Books and Authors.
- Important Days.
Quantitative Aptitude
- Number System.
- Ratio and Proportions.
- Time and Distance.
- Bar Graphs.
- Decimals & Fractions.
- Mixtures & Allegations.
- Pipes & Cisterns.
- Boats and Streams.
- Also Clocks.
- Problems on Ages.
- Averages.
- Problems on Trains.
- Mensuration.
- Roots.
- HCF & LCM.
- Ratio and Proportions.
- Also Logarithms.
- Probability.
- Volume & Surface Area.
- Line Graphs.
- Simplification.
- Permutation & Combination.
- Percentages.
- Time and Work.
- Simple and Compound Interest.
- Profit and Loss.
- Also Pie Charts.
- Heights & Distances Partnership.
General English
- Antonyms.
- Comprehension.
- Theme detection.
- Vocabulary.
- Sentence Correction.
- Also Tenses.
- Sentence Rearrangement.
- Idioms and Phrases.
- Error Correction.
- Adverb.
- Word Formation.
- Articles.
- Passage Completion.
- Verb.
- Synonyms.
- Unseen Passages.
- Idioms & Phrases.
- Also Grammar.
- Passage Correction.
- Fill in the Blanks.
- Conclusion.
- Sentence Completion.
- Subject-Verb Agreement.
- Non-Verbal Series.
- Blood Relations.
- Coding-Decoding.
- Analogies.
- Embedded Figures
- Mirror Images.
- Arithmetical Reasoning.
- Number Ranking.
- Cubes and Dice.
- Also Directions.
- Clocks & Calendars.
- Syllogistic Reasoning.
- Alphabet Series.
- Decision Making.
- Visual Memory.
- Judgment.
- Arrangements.
- Also Number Series.
- Problem Solving.
Finance And Accounting
- Advanced Management Accounting.
- Financial Reporting.
- International taxation and Direct & Indirect Tax Laws.
- Advanced Auditing & Professional Ethics including Management Cost and Audit.
- Strategic Financial and Cost Management.
- Information Systems Control and Audit.
- Allied and Corporate Laws and its compliance.
- Business Valuation and Strategic Performance Management.
- Electrical Circuits.
- Electronic Devices & Circuits.
- Electrical Machines.
- Electromagnetic fields.
- Control Systems Engineering.
- Analog Electronic Circuits.
- Switching Theory and Logic Design.
- Electrical Power Generating Systems.
- Electrical & Electronic Measuring Instruments.
- Electrical Power Transmission System.
- Power Electronics.
- Power Service Conductor Drives.
- Power System Protection.
- Power System Operation and Control.
- Power System Analysis.
- Electrical Distribution Systems.
- The utilization of Electrical Energy.
- Energy Auditing.
- Engineering Mechanics.
- The strength of Materials / Mechanics of Solids.
- Thermodynamics.
- Metallurgy and Material Science.
- Production Technology.
- Theory of Machines.
- Thermal Engineering.
- Mechanics of Fluids and Hydraulic Machines.
- Machine Tools and Metrology.
- Design of Machine Members.
- Heat Transfer.
- Automobile Engineering.
- Refrigeration & Air Conditioning.
- General Proficiency.
- SCCL Motor Mechanic Trainee, CAT.I, (MEN Only) Syllabus
- Trade Theory.
- Workshop Calculations & Science.
- Social Study (Employability Skills)
Download SCCL Management Trainee Exam Pattern
SCCL Management Trainee Exam Pattern 2020: The participants have sufficient preparation time to appear for the exam. During the preparation time, you must follow the SCCL MT Syllabus 2020. Don’t neglect those because this Syllabus and SCCL MT Exam Pattern 2020 are acting like weapons to the candidates who are willing to attend the exam. Without those, you can get better marks. Apart from that, aspirants can also maintain the time schedule to appear for the online exam. Especially, the online-based exam is purely on time management. If you don’t know the answer skip that question in the exam. Don’t waste the unnecessary one. Mainly in the online basis exam will test the time skills. The written examination consisting of General Knowledge, Quantitative Aptitude, General English, Reasoning & Finance, and Accounting. Do focus on those subjects. Candidates can find on this page in detail relating to each subject wise topic and make prepare them as per the MT Exam Pattern 2020.
Also, Check: SCCL MT Admit Card 2020
Download SCCL Management Trainee Syllabus 2020
Download SCCL Management Trainee Syllabus 2020 and prepare well because Based on the Online exam The authorities selected the candidates for the vacancy. So, candidates need to prepare well for the exam. It is the chance for the candidates to prove their talent in front of the SCCL Officials. There will be put the exam who are eligible for the job vacancy. Probably, the exam paper may be given in a tough manner. So, use the MT Syllabus 2020 available at to get even qualifying marks. But, don’t worry dear hunters. We know you are very confident in participating in the exam. So, don’t waste time, we are supplying you with the most important document of SCCL Management Trainee E&M Syllabus 2020 which will make you stronger in the exam hall. Go through the material while in preparation time. Those who prepare this can get a good score in the exam.
Also, Check: SCCL MT Previous Papers
Useful Links
SCCL Management Trainee Syllabus 2020: Download
Stay tuned this page to get the complete idea of SCCL E And M Syllabus 2020 and how to make use of them in groundwork. After checking the SCCL Management Trainee E&M Exam Pattern 2020 all need to initiate their preparation for the only purpose not to miss any topic.
Frequently Asked Questions
Where Aspirants Can Download SCCL Management Trainee Syllabus 2020?
From the Download Link given by, all candidates can get SCCL MT Syllabus 2020.
In which way Candidates will be asked to solve questions as per the SCCL MT Exam Pattern 2020?
Entire Questions will be asked in Objective Mode, as per the SCCL Management Trainee Exam Pattern.
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