TANCET Result 2020 || Download Tamil Nadu Common Entrance Test Score Card, Rank List @ www.annauniv.edu

TANCET Result 2020 is uploaded on the authoritative page at www.annauniv.edu by the officials of Anna University. So, the students who are written this Tamil Nadu Common Entrance Test (TANCET) Examination can download the Tamil Nadu CET Merit List Pdf from the official page. Also that the officials will release the TANCET Answer Key, Cut Off Marks for checking the candidate’s performance in the examination on their own. This will give the clarity of you were qualify in the examination or not.

TANCET Result 2020 Date Released !!!!!
Latest Update On (11.03.2020 ): TANCET Result 2020 Date Released !!!!! Candidates check more details here on this page.

TANCET Result 2020


TANCET Result 2020: TANCET means Tamil Nadu Common Entrance Test. This exam mainly conducted by Anna University. This exam main aim is those who are looking for admissions to join the university for their further career studying. All the courses offered by the university like B.tech with all branches, MBA, MCA, M.tech and much more. Candidates those who are willing to join engineering and many others can choose to write this exam. Now it is the time to check the TANCET Rank List, Score Card which is released on the official website by Anna university. All the details they are updating like exam dates, syllabus, etc. So check this page and get the all required information to download the Tamil Nadu Common Entrance Exam Merit List 2020.

TANCET Result 2020 – Credentials

University Name Anna University, Tamil Nadu
Name Of The Exam Tamil Nadu Common Entrance Test (TANCET) – 2020
Courses Offered MBA, MCA, M.Tech, M.Arch, M.Plan Programmes
Category Entrance Exams Results
Hall Ticket Date Released
Exam Date  MCA: 29th February 2020 (10 AM To 12 PM)
MBA: 29th February 2020 (2:30 PM To 4:30 PM)
ME/ M.Tech/ M.Arch/ M.Plan: 1st March 2020 (10 AM To 12 PM)
Result Release Date 20th March 2020
 Counseling Date July 2020 (Tentative)
Course Location Universities of Tamil Nadu
Official website www.annauniv.edu

How to download the TANCET Marksheet 2020

  1. Go to the official website of www.tancet.annauniv.edu
  2. Now click on TANCET Result 2020.
  3. After that enter the required details of registration number or login id and password.
  4. Then the results will occur on the screen.
  5. Then click on the submit button.
  6. Finally, download the results of it.
  7. And take one hard copy for further usage.

Tamil Nadu CET Rank List

Candidates will get admission on the basis of rank. Those students who are qualified will be joined in the colleges to achieve their goals in their careers. TANCET Result 2020 pdf would be available at the below link for the courses of MBA, MCA, M.Tech, M.Arch, M.Plan Programmes. those who are qualified in this test will be called for the counseling for confirmation of a seat in the university. It is a great opportunity to study in an honored college. They will provide all the details for attending counseling. They have mentioned the details regarding dates also. Also that the officials will release the Tamil Nadu CET Rank List which is helpful to the candidates to take the further rounds i.e of counseling which is going to be conducted by the officials of Anna University, Tamil Nadu.


Also Check: TANCET Hall Ticket 2020


Anna University TANCET Meritsheet

Candidates can download the Final Results of TANCET Examination 2020 on the 20th March 2020 at the official website of the www.annauniv.edu.  So candidates who are checked this results can inform to your friends also. I know you guys are checked many websites for proper information but you did not get any required information regarding Anna University TANCET Meritsheet. Here we are giving the downloading links for results on the official website. jobschat.in provides all the information regarding this TANCET Answer Key, Cut Off 2020 Results So by following that you can get all the notifications and websites.

Important Links

Download TANCET Result 2020: Click Here (Available on 20th March 2020)


TANCET Answer Key 2020: Click Here (Available Soon)

Tamil Nadu CET Cut Off 2020: Click Here (Available Soon)

Finally, candidates who will score the required marks in the entrance examination have to be ready for the further rounds of counting and the documental verification which is going to be conducted by the officials. For more latest updates regarding this check this page.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the date of the TANCET Result 2020 release?

Tamil Nadu Common Entrance Test Merit List will release on the date of 20th March 2020.

Where I will get the TANCET Rank List of the examination?

Form the official site or on this page jobschat.in you will get the link to download the Anna University TANCET Selection List.

What is the minimum TANCET Cut Off Marks to pass in the examination?

Check the official announcement to know the TANCET MBA, M.Tech Cut Off Marks.