UP TGT PGT Result 2021 – UPSESSB TGT & PGT Merit List (Advt.No: 01/2016, 01/2021) @ www.upsessb.org

Uttar Pradesh Secondary Education Service Selection Board will announce the UP TGT PGT Result 2021 of the exams which were held on 31.07.2021, 07th, 08th, 17th, 18th August 2021 tentatively in October 2021. The officials informed all the candidates to Download UP TGT PGT Result 2021 through the webpage www.upsessb.org.  The Aspirants, who have taken the written test for the TGT, PGT Posts of Advt.No: 01/2016, 01/2021 should check the UPSESSB TGT PGT Merit List 2021 for knowing the status whether the candidate is shortlisted to the next level of selection or not.

UPSESSB will not release the UPSESSB TGT PGT Result 2021 through Email or SMS. UPSESSB will issue the Uttar Pradesh PGT TGT Result at www.upsessb.co.in and Jobschat. So, the applicants who have appeared for the Exam on the informed dates are allowed to check the Uttar Pradesh TGT PGT Results.


UP TGT PGT Result 2021 Details

Name Of The Organisation Uttar Pradesh Secondary Education Service Selection Board (UPSESSB)
Name Of The Posts Trained Graduate Teacher, Post Graduate Teacher Posts (Advt.No: 01/2016, 01/2021)
Number Of Posts 15198 Posts
Category Rojgar Results
Exam Date
  1. TGT: 07th, 08th August 2021
  2. PGT: 17th, 18th August 2021
  3. TGT Biology (Advt No: 01/2016): 31.07.2021
Result Date Tentatively in October 2021
Official Website www.upsessb.org

UPSESSB TGT PGT Merit List 2021 Download

If the aspirant gets the UP TGT PGT Cut Off marks, then only the aspirant name will be mentioned in the UPSESSB TGT PGT Merit List 2021. The candidates who have attained the Higher marks in the UP TGT PGT Result 2021 will be automatically placed in the UP TGT PGT Merit List. That candidates only have the chance to participate in the next selection rounds. So one must check Uttar Pradesh TGT PGT Results immediately when it will be announced. If the aspirant did not verify the UP TGT PGT Result 2021, then they will not know whether they are shortlisted for the next rounds or not.

Related Links

UP TGT PGT Recruitment
UP TGT PGT Syllabus
UP TGT PGT Previous Papers
UP TGT PGT Admit Card
UP TGT PGT Answer Key

What is the method to Download UP TGT PGT Merit List 2021 @ www.upsessb.org?

  1. First, the candidates must Open UPSESSB Website www.upsessb.org
  2. On the Homepage, all can find Subject Wise UPSESSB TGT PGT Merit List 2021 (Advt.No: 01/2016, 01/2021)
  3. Open the concerned Post and Subject Uttar Pradesh TGT PGT Merit List 2021 and search the List with candidate Name or Registration Number.
  4. If the candidate number or name is specified in the UPSESSB TGT PGT Merit List 2021 then they are shortlisted for the next level of selection.

Important Links

UPSESSB TGT PGT Result 2021 Check Now (Not Yet Released)