The Board of WBJEE published the WBJEE PUBDET Syllabus 2021 for the Students who have applied for the WBJEE PUBDET 2021 online application on the official website This West Bengal Joint Entrance Exam PUBDET Syllabus 2021 & Exam Pattern is useful for students who are appearing for the PUBDET entrance exam. With those West Bengal JEE PUBDET 2021 Syllabus, you can get a high score in the exam. On this page, We have attached the WBJEE PUBDET Exam Pattern 2021 details at the bottom. So you can check the WBJEE PUBDET 2021 Exam Pattern details and that you can get an idea about the marks and questions. By using this West Bengal PUBDET Syllabus 2021 you can able to get good results in PUBDET Entrance Test. Before going to the PUBDET Entrance examination candidates must check topics, subtopics mentioned on the WB PUBDET Exam Syllabus 2021.

Details Of WBJEE PUBDET Syllabus 2021
Name Of The Board | West Bengal Joint Entrance Examination Board |
Name Of The Exam | Presidency University Bachelor Degree Entrance Test (PUBDET) |
Category | Entrance Exam Syllabus |
Location | West Bengal |
Official Website | |
WBJEE PUBDET Syllabus 2021
Candidates who have a dream to get qualified for the PUBDET entrance test, that candidates should read the WBJEE PUBDET Syllabus 2021 is available on this page. Students, with the advice of the West Bengal JEE PUBDET Syllabus 2021 & exam Pattern you have to complete the exam. Because all the questions will be asked from the given WB Joint Entrance examination PUBDET Syllabus 2021 only. After completion of your studies, you want to place in a better position then step forward and open all related WBJEE PUBDET Syllabus 2021 & exam pattern links as soon as possible. Read the West Bengal JEE PUBDET Syllabus 2021 thoroughly without leaving any single topic. If you neglect the reading of any single topic on the PUBDET Syllabus 2021 it may cause you to get less score in the exam.
The candidate who is perfect with every WBJEE PUBDET Syllabus 2021 topic then will be a strong contestant for the remaining students. Check all the WBJEE PUBDET Exam Pattern 2021 details which will help the Candidate to complete the exam. In the Exam Pattern, we will provide the details of questions and marks. For every subject how many marks we are getting and how many questions, all the details will be mentioned in the WBJEE PUBDET 2021 Exam Pattern details. On this page, will provide all details of the West Bengal JEE PUBDET Exam Pattern & Syllabus at the bottom of the page. To conclude all the syllabus details and get admission to WBJEE PUBDET 2021.
Related Links
WBJEE PUBDET Notification |
WBJEE PUBDET Previous Papers |
WBJEE PUBDET Exam Pattern 2021
Subject Name | Syllabus and Marks |
Bengali | Bengali |
English | English |
Hindi | Hindi |
History | History and English Language (80+20)* |
Philosophy/Sociology/Performing Arts | Logical Reasoning and English Language (60+40)* |
Political Science | Political Science and English Language (80+20)* |
Chemistry | Chemistry |
Economics | Mathematics and English (70+30)* |
Geography | Geography and Basic Science (50+50)* |
Geology | Mathematics, Physics, chemistry (40+30+30)* |
Life Sciences | Biology |
Mathematics | Mathematics |
Physics | Physics |
Statistics | Mathematic |
WBJEE PUBDET Exam Syllabus 2021
- Antonyms
- Vocabulary
- Spot the Error
- Cloze Passage
- Conversions
- Sentence Rearrangement
- Idioms & Phrases
- One word substitution
- Synonyms/Homonyms
- Spellings/Detecting Mis-spelt words
- Antonyms and its correct usage
- Common Error
- Active/Passive Voice of Verbs
- Comprehension Passage
- Grammar
- Shuffling of Sentences in a passage
- Improvement of Sentences
- Fill in the Blanks
- Shuffling of Sentence parts
- Error Detection
- Idioms and Phrases
- Grammar
- Antonyms & Synonyms
- Vocabulary
- Fill in the Blanks
- Correction of Sentences
- Indian Culture
- Early Structure of the British Raj
- Themes in Early Indian Cultural History
- Guptas, Vakatakas and Vardhanas
- Sources
- Society, Culture, and Economy in the Thirteenth and Fourteenth Centuries
- Megalithic Cultures
- Early Medieval India
- Post – Mauryan Period (Indo-Greeks, Sakas, Kushanas, Western Kshatrapas)
- Origins of Modern Politics
- Period of Mahajanapadas
- Social and Cultural Developments
- Indus Valley Civilization
- Pre-history and Proto-history
- Culture in the Mughal Empire
- Aryans and Vedic Period
- British Expansion in India
- European Penetration into India
- Imperialism and Colonialism
- Nation-State System
- Mughal Empire in the Seventeenth Century
- Modern Indian History
- The regional States during the Gupta Era
- Indian Freedom Struggle
- History of the World
- Indian Response to British Rule
- Cultural Traditions in India
- Origins of Modern Politics
- Enlightenment and Modern ideas
- Economic Impact of British Colonial Rule
- Industrialization
- Economy and Society in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries
- Mauryan Empire
- Early State and Society in Eastern India, Deccan, and South India
- Percentages.
- Averages.
- Areas.
- Allegation and Mixture.
- Pipes and Cisterns.
- Square Root and Cube Root.
- Profit and Loss.
- HCF and LCM.
- Partnership.
- Surds and Indices.
- Ratios and Proportions.
- Time and Distance.
- Problems on Trains.
- Volume and Surface Area.
- Problems on Ages.
- Boats and streams.
- Problems on Train.
- Compound Interest.
- Time and Work.
- Discounts
- Chemical Bonding
- Surface Chemistry
- Redox Reactions
- Chemical Kinetics
- States of Matter
- Equilibrium
- General Chemistry
- Structure of Atom
- Electrochemistry
- Periodicity
- Solid State
- Hydrogen
- D Block Elements
- Alkali and Alkaline earth metals (S Block)
- Haloarenes
- Alcohols
- Ketones
- Ethers
- General Organic Chemistry
- Carboxylic Acids
- Biomolecules
- Hydrocarbons
- Environmental Chemistry
- Amines
- Chemistry in Everyday Life
- Solutions
- Classification of Elements
- Molecular Structure
- Haloalkanes
- Aldehydes
- Phenols
- Thermodynamics
- Processes of Isolation of Elements
- Coordination Compounds
- P, D, F Block Elements
- Trigonometry
- Condensed Matter Physics
- Thermodynamics
- Statistical Mechanics
- Mathematical Methods
- Electronics
- Experimental Physics
- Atomic
- Molecular Physics
- Classical Mechanics
- Relativity
- Nuclear and Particle Physics
- Quantum Theory and its Applications
- Relations and Functions
- Logarithms
- Complex Numbers
- Quadratic Equations
- Sequences and Series
- Conic Sections
- Permutations and Combinations
- Matrices
- Determinants
- Definite Integrals
- Vectors
- Exponential and Logarithmic Series
- Sets and Set Theory
- Statistics
- Cartesian System of Rectangular Coordinates
- Straight Lines
- Circles
- Differentiation
- Introduction to Three Dimensional Geometry
- Probability Function
- Limits and Continuity
- Applications of Derivatives
- Indefinite Integrals Binomial Theorem
- Electromagnetic Theory
Political Science
- Grassroots Activism.
- Hegemony.
- Divided Government.
- Freedom and Liberty.
- Geopolitics.
- Common Good.
- Cultural Pluralism.
- Health Economics
- Economics of Health Insurance
- Economics of Information
- Forensic Economics
- Economics of Crime
- Economic Analysis of the Family
- Economics of Aging
- Agricultural Economics
- Real Estate Economics
- Media Economics
- Microfinance
- Transportation Economics
- Urban Economics
- Economics of Gambling
- Economics of HIV and AIDS
- Economics of Migration
- Queer Economics
- Economics and Religion
- Economics and Corporate Social Responsibility
- Political Economy of Violence
- The Economics of the Civil War
- Economic Aspects of Cultural Heritage
- Latin America’s Trade Performance
- Economics of Property Law
- Economics of Wildlife Protection
- Environmental Economics
- Economics of Energy Markets
- Political Economy of Oil
- Economics of Education
- Economics and Justice
- Sports Economics
- Earnings of Professional Athletes
- Economics of Gender
- Economics and Race
- Basic Concepts
- Social Stratification/ Demography/ Change
- Types of Society
- Economy and Society
- Industrial and Urban Society
- Political Processes
- Status and role, role conflict, a role set
- Weaker Sections and Minorities
- Socialization, assimilation, integration, cooperation, competition, conflict, accommodation, social
- Distance, relative deprivation.
- Marriage, Family, and Kinship
- Norms and values–conformity & deviance, Law & customs
- Sociocultural processes
- Society, community, association, institution, culture
- Social Groups
- Social structure, social system, social action
- Demography and Psychometry
- Probability
- Statistical Inference
- Linear Inference and Multivariate Analysis
- Sampling Theory and Design of Experiments
- Quantitative Economics and Official Statistics
- Optimization Techniques
- Industrial Statistics
Life Sciences
- Inheritance Biology
- Cellular Organization
- Ecological Principles
- Evolution and Behavior
- Applied Biology
- Molecules and their Interaction Relevant to Biology
- Fundamental Processes
- Cell Communication and Cell Signaling
- Developmental Biology
- System Physiology – Plant
- System Physiology – Animal
- Methods in Biology
- Diversity of Life Forms
- Structural Geology
- Petrology
- Hydrogeology
- Mineralogy
- Oceanography
- Paleontology
- Petroleum Geology
- Economic Geology
- Geochemistry
- Geomorphology
- Geophysics
Important Links
WBJEE PUBDET Syllabus 2021 & Exam Pattern: Download