WBPSC MVI Result 2020 – Check West Bengal Public Service Commission Motor Vehicle Inspector Merit List @ wbpsc.gov.in

West Bengal Public Service Commission shall declare the WBPSC MVI Result 2020 of 22nd November 2020 exam at the official website wbpsc.gov.in. So, all the written exam takers get ready to download the WBPSC Motor Vehicle Inspector Merit List 2020 to check the marks of the written examination. So, candidates who have attempted the written exam, those ones once refer to the WBPSC Motor Vehicle Inspector Non-Technical Result 2020.


WBPSC Motor Vehicle Inspector Result 2020 Details

Name Of The Organisation West Bengal Public Service Commission (WBPSC)
Number Of vacancies 19 Posts
Name Of The Post  Motor Vehicle Inspector (Non-Technical) Posts
Category Result
Exam Date 22nd November 2020
Result Release Date December 2020 (Expected)
Official Website wbpsc.gov.in

West Bengal MVI Result 2020

Check 22.11.2020 Exam WBPSC Motor Vehicle Inspector Result 2020 as the links will be activated once the officials upload it. So, candidates just click on that link and check the WB Motor Vehicle Inspector Non-Technical Result 2020 of the written exam. So, applicants only find the WBPSC MVI Result 2020 from this web page Jobschat.in. Because the Officials will not share the Result or WBPSC MVI Merit List 2020 through email or SMS.


Related Links

WBPSC MVI Recruitment
WBPSC Motor Vehicle Inspector Syllabus
WBPSC MVI Previous Papers
WBPSC MVI Admit Card
WBPSC MVI Answer Key

WBPSC MVI Merit List 2020

The WBPSC Motor Vehicle Inspector Cut Off Marks are different for different communities. So, applicants keep remembering that Cut Off Marks decide the WBPSC Motor Vehicle Inspector Non-Technical Merit List 2020. So, contenders have to wait till the release of the WBPSC Motor Vehicle Inspector Merit List 2020 and after that, carefully check if your name has been notified in it. Because those who have performed well in the written examination and eligible for the next levels of the selection process, those names only appear in the WBPSC MVI Merit List 2020.

Way to Check WB Motor Vehicle Inspector Non-Technical Result 2020 @ wbpsc.gov.in:-

  1. First, google the WBPSC Website wbpsc.gov.in
  2. Choose the Results option associated with Results/ Recommendation.
  3. Find the WBPSC Motor Vehicle Inspector Non-Technical Provisional Merit List 2020.
  4. Give the Application Name and Registration Number.
  5. If the candidate is shortlisted, their name is on the WB MVI Selected List 2020.

Important Links

Download WBPSC Motor Vehicle Inspector Non-Technical Result 2020 – Click Here (Not Yet Available)