WBPSC Workshop Instructor Syllabus 2020 is released by the officials of the West Bengal Public Service Commission at the main site of the pscwbonline.gov.in. So the aspirants have to check the official link and get the West Bengal PSC Workshop Instructor Syllabus 2020 to start your exam practicing for the written examination. And also you should have to check the PSCWB Workshop Instructor Exam Pattern for knowing the type of topics that are asked in the written examination.
WBPSC Workshop Instructor Syllabus 2020 | West Bengal Workshop Instructor Exam Pattern
After successful completion of the application process, all the aspirants need to download the WBPSC Workshop Instructor Syllabus 2020 for their written examination. For that reason, the officials of the West Bengal Public Service Commission are issued the West Bengal PSC Workshop Instructor Syllabus 2020 to start their exam practicing at the main site of the pscwbonline.gov.in. So the aspirants without any delay download the Syllabus and prepare a time table to cover all the topics before the written examination. And also you should have to check the West Bengal Workshop Instructor Exam Pattern for knowing that on what topics the officials are ready to conduct the written examination for the exam applied candidates on upcoming days. So download the PSCWB Workshop Instructor Syllabus 2020 and prepare your self for the written test.
Details of West Bengal Public Service Commission Workshop Instructor Syllabus 2020
Name of the Board | West Bengal Public Service Commission |
Name of the Post | Workshop Instructor |
No Of Vacancies | 244 Vacancies |
Category | Syllabus |
Start Date To Register | 16th January 2020 |
Ending Date To Apply | 05th February 2020 |
Final Date To Pay Fee Through UBI | 06th February 2020 |
Job Location | West Bengal |
Exam Date | Expected to be in the month of February 2020/March 2020 |
Official Website | pscwbonline.gov.in |
WBPSC Workshop Instructor Exam Pattern
Sl.No | Name of the Subjects | Type of Examination |
1. | General Intelligence | Objective type |
2. | Numerical Aptitude | |
3. | General English | |
4. | General Awareness | |
5. | Reasoning | |
6. | Relevant disciplines |
Candidates have an examination of the above topics. And you have a total of 6 subjects for the written examination. And that examination is going to be conducted on the objective type examination.
WBPSC Workshop Instructor Syllabus 2020-Topics Wise
General Intelligence
- Current GK.
- Sports.
- General Polity including Indian Constitution.
- Sports & Games.
- Countries & Currencies.
- Countries and Capitals.
- Economic Scene.
- Art & Culture.
- Scientific Research.
- Daily News.
- Culture.
- History.
- Geography.
- Current Events.
- National & Internation affairs.
- Famous Personalities.
- States & Capitals.
Numerical Aptitude
- Percentages.
- Ratio and Time.
- Time and Work.
- Number Systems.
- Fundamental Arithmetical Operations.
- The relationship between Numbers.
- Use of Tables and Graphs Mensuration.
- Time and Distance
- Ratio & Proportion.
- Profit and Loss.
- Decimals and Fractions.
- Computation of Whole Numbers.
- Averages.
- Interest & Discount.
General English
- Grammar.
- Fill in the Blanks.
- Articles.
- Correction of sentences.
- Antonyms.
- Idioms & Phrases.
- Adjectives.
- Sentence Rearrangement.
- Unseen Passages.
- Synonyms.
- Subject-Verb Agreement.
- Spelling Test
- Substitution
- Passage Completion
- Idioms and Phrases
- Sentence
- Analogy.
- Logic.
- Statement – Conclusions.
- Eligibility Test.
- Number, Ranking & Time Sequence.
- Alphabet Test.
- Alpha-Numeric Sequence Puzzle.
- Mathematical Operations.
- Statement – Arguments.
- Statement – Arguments.
- Logical Sequence of Words.
- Puzzle Test.
- Arithmetical Reasoning.
Relevant Disciplines
- Inventory Control
- The Strength of Materials
- Theory of Machines
- The design of Machine Elements
- Calculus
- Manufacturing Analysis
- Tool Engineering Metrology and Inspection
- Vector Calculus
- Production Planning and Control
- Numerical Methods
- Engineering Mechanics
- Probability & Statistics
- Power System Analysis & Control
- Switch Gear and Protection etc
- Electrical Instrumentations
- Power System Protection
- Power Electronics & Drives
- Analog and Digital Electronics
- Electronics Devices
- Power Systems
- Broad banding techniques
- Transient and steady-state response of control systems
- Concepts of gain and phase margins
- Constant-M and Constant-N Nichol’s Chart
- Analog Electronic Circuits
- Digital Electronic Circuits
- Physical Electronics
- Electron Devices and ICs
- Signals and Systems
- Control Systems
- Network Theory
- Electromagnetic Theory
- Frequency
- Power amplifiers
West Bengal PSC Workshop Instructor Syllabus 2020
WBPSC Workshop Instructor Syllabus 2020 helps you to increase your ability levels for the written examination. So the aspirants without any delay download the WB Workshop Instructor Syllabus 2020 and start your exam practicing for achieving the top score in the written examination. Whenever you will practice well for the written examination using this West Bengal PSC Workshop Instructor Syllabus 2020 then only there will be a lot of chances to qualify in the written examination. The candidates who will get the good results in the written test those names will comes in the merit list. So the aspirants check the official link and get the syllabus for the exam practicing and achieve your target.
Also Check: WBPSC Workshop Instructor Recruitment 2020
WBPSC Workshop Instructor Exam pattern
The officials of the West Bengal Public Service Commission are going to conduct the written examination for the exam applied candidates on upcoming days. For that examination, the candidates need to download the WBPSC Workshop Instructor Syllabus 2020 at the official link. After downloading the West Bengal Workshop Instructor Syllabus 2020 syllabus you should have to practice more to get the top score in the written examination. And also you should have to check the WBPSC Workshop Instructor Exam Pattern for knowing that the subject wise topics are going to be asked in the written examination. so download the PSCWB Workshop Instructor Syllabus, Exam Pattern and start your exam preparation to achieve your goals.
Also Check:Â WBPSC Workshop Instructor Previous Papers
Important Links
Download WBPSC Workshop Instructor Syllabus 2020: Click Here
Some of the exam applied candidates are already being their exam practicing to get the job in the required position with the help of the WBPSC Workshop Instructor Syllabus 2020. So the aspirants without wasting the time start your exam practicing and gett the top score in the written examination.
Frequently Asked Questions
How to download West Bengal PSC Workshop Instructor Syllabus 2020?
By the official link, you can easily get the West Bengal Workshop Instructor Syllabus 2020
When the WBPSC Workshop Instructor Examination is Conducted?
After completion of the application process, the officials will announce the Examination dates.
On what Date the WBPSC Workshop Instructor Recruitment application Process Completed?
On 5th February the application will be closed. So the candidates apply for the post as soon as possible.