Students of JNTU, Kakinada can Download JNTUK Results Of B.Tech, M.Tech, D.Pharmacy, B.Pharmacy, M.Pharmacy, MBA, MCA for all the Semesters. R19, R16, R13, R10 Regulation Students who study any Course any Semester in any of the JNTUK Affiliated Universities Find the JNTUK Regular Results, JNTUK Revaluation Results, and JNTUK Supply Results. In the order of which the Exams Finished as per the JNTUK Time Tables in the corresponding method, the JNTU Kakinada Results for all the Courses were released.
JNTUK Results
Under JNTU, Kakinada Various Engineering, Pharmacy, Management Colleges in Andhra Pradesh provides B.Tech, M.Tech, D.Pharmacy, B.Pharmacy, M.Pharmacy, MBA, MCA Courses. Students who study in those colleges are exposed to the Semester Wise Exams. After the exams, Students look for the JNTUK Results. Whenever the JNTU Kakinada Results of any Course are released at ““, Jobschat immediately updates that Course Regular, Supply, RC/ RV Results. So, that, the students may know the Marks of their Course with their Registered Roll Number. R19, R16, R13, R10 Regulations JNTUK B.Tech Results, JNTUK B.Pharmacy Results for the 1-1, 1-2, 2-1, 2-2, 3-1, 3-2, 4-1, 4-2 Semesters, JNTUK Results for MBA, MCA, M.Tech, M.Pharmacy, Pharma D semester wise published on this page.
JNTU Kakinada Results – All UG, PG Courses (R19, R16, R13, R10 Regulations)
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JNTU Kakinada Results – B.Tech, M.Tech, D.Pharmacy, B.Pharmacy, M.Pharmacy, M.Tech, MBA, MCA
Regular, Supply, RC/ RV JNTUK Results Of UG, PG Courses R19, R16, R13, R10 Regulations are offered here on this page. Students simply log in to this page to know the Marks. JNTUK Marks Memos of B.Tech, B.Pharmacy also offered for the Students. By Knowing the JNTU Kakinada Results, Students come to know the Marks, Credits, and Pass/ Fail Status. If the student feels that the Released JNTUK Regular Results are not equal to their performance, they can apply for the Revaluation within a Week after the JNTU Kakinada Results. Accordingly, the JNTUK Revaluation Results were also released after evaluating the Answer Booklets of the students by adding the marks if the student is eligible. Students who failed in the Regular exams and appear for Supply Exams also Find JNTUK Supplementary Results for B.Tech, M.Tech, B.Pharmacy, MBA, MCA, & Other courses Sem wise.
JNTUK UG, PG Marks Memos
JNTUK Marks Memos of UG, PG Courses for every Regular, Supply Exams is released as many times the student appears the exams. So, Students must Collect JNTUK Marks Memos whenever JNTUK is announced. provides All Semesters UG, PG Courses JNTU Kakinada Marks Memos in addition to JNTUK Results on One page. So, one follows to find the Marks whenever they are required. Students also find the JNTUK Project Results also for all the UG, PG Courses exclusively. Students even find JNTUK Syllabus, Previous Papers, Time Tables by visiting JNTU Fast Updates.