CSIR CIMAP Recruitment 2020 | Apply For 23 CSIR CIMAP Technician, Senior Technical Officer, Technical Assistant Jobs @ www.cimap.res.in

CSIRCIMAP Recruitment Notification 2020 is advertised at www.cimap.res.in and informs that the CSIR CIMAP Technician Application Form will be accepted from the eligible ones from 04th March to 30th April 2020 and request a hard copy of it till 22nd May 2020. So, all the eligibles who are waiting for the suitable positions must use CSIR CIMAP Technician Notification 2020 immediately and confirm their candidature and then send the form immediately.

CSIR CIMAP Recruitment 2020 Application Dates Extended!
Latest Update(02.04.2020): CSIR CIMAP Application Date has extended up to 30th April 2020.

CSIR CIMAP Recruitment 2020 | 23 Technician, Technical Assistant Posts


Through www.cimap.res.in, CSIR CIMAP Technical Assistant Advertisement 2020 is released due to the reason that there are 23 Posts that are vacant and the names are as follows Technician, Technical Assistant, Senior Technical Officer, and Junior Secretariat Assistant. For any of the posts, the candidate can enroll if they possess the qualifications. But, verifying the qualification and age is not necessary for an applicant for knowing their eligibility, other factors that are clearly mentioned on the CSIR CIMAP Recruitment Notification 2020 also be matched and the things are ready with the contender. Then they can start filling their CSIR CIMAP Application of Technician and must fill the details without any mistakes because CSIR will consider the details which are mentioned by the applicant and will conduct the selection, Meanwhile, if the details are found incorrect, that one applicant’s candidature for the CSIR CIMAP Vacancy of Technician will be rejected.

Also, Check: CSIR CIMAP Technician Syllabus 2020

Particulars Of CSIR CIMAP Recruitment 2020

Name Of The Organization CSIR – Central Institute Of Medical & Aromatic Plants (CIMAP)
Name Of The Posts Technician, Technical Assistant, Senior Technical Officer & Junior Secretariat Assistant Posts
Number Of Vacancies 23 Posts
Job Location  Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh
Job Category Central Government Jobs
Initial Date To Apply 04th March 2020 (10.00 AM)
Last Date To Apply 30th April 2020
Last date For Fee Payment 04th May 2020 (04.00 PM)
 Last date for Online Application Submission 08th May 2020
Final Date to Submit Hard Copy 22nd May 2020 (05.30 PM)
Application Mode Online
Official Website www.cimap.res.in

Eligibility Criteria

Educational Qualifications

Those who complete SSC with ITI, Inter, B.Sc, M.Sc in the relevant field are eligible to register for CSIR CIMAP Vacancy of Technician, Technical Assistant Posts.


Age Limits and Relaxation

  • Technician, Technical Assistant, Junior Secretariat Assistant: 28 Years
  • Senior Technical Officer: 35 Years for Some Trades and 40 Years for some trades

Registration Fee

  • General, OBC Category: Rs.100/-
  • SC/ST/Women/PWD/Abroad candidates/ CSIR Employees: No Fee

Selection Rounds

  • Written Test
  • Interview

Scale Of Pay

    1. Junior Secretariat Assistant, Technician: Rs.19900-63200/- and GP Rs.1900/-
    2. Technical Assistant: Rs.35400-112400/- and GP Rs.4200/-
    3. Senior Technical Officer (1): Rs.56100-177500/- and GP Rs.5400/-
    4. Senior Technical Officer (2): Rs.67700-208700/- and GP Rs.6600/-

CSIR CIMAP Vacancy Details

  1. Junior Secretariat Assistant: 01 Post
  2. Technician: 11 Posts
  3. Technical Assistant: 04 Posts
  4. Senior Technical Officer (1): 04 Posts
  5. Senior Technical Officer (2): 03 Posts

How To Apply For CSIR CIMAP Recruitment 2020?

  1. First Open CSIR CIMAP Webpage www.cimap.res.in
  2. Then Choose Vacancies under Notice Board.
  3. Then pick CSIR CIMAP Technician Recruitment Notification 2020 with Advt No: 01/ 2020 and Download it.
  4. Then grab the useful information mentioned by CIMAP Authorities and then confirm your eligibility.
  5. Then choose “Apply” and start filling the details and upload the documents as per the CSIR CIMAP Application Form.
  6. After that pay the fee and submit the CSIR CIMAP Senior Technical Officer Application in the respective format in Online.
  7. Then take a hard copy of the CSIR CIMAP Technical Assistant Application Form and send the same to the address mentioned here.

Postal Address:

Controller of Administration, CSIR-Central Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants, Post Office-CIMAP, Lucknow-226015


Apply For 23 CSIR CIMAP Technician, Technical Assistant Vacancy Online

For this 23 CSIR CIMAP Technician Vacancy 2020, the probability for the registration is only a limited number of aspirants and that to all must be ready to get prepare for the selection rounds to get qualify for the Positions as per the vacancies listed on the CSIR CIMAP Technical Assistant Notification 2020. There is a scope for an applicant to enroll for more than one position if they have a qualification and must send a separate CSIR CIMAP Application Form with fee payment individually. Then the officials will confirm it and make confirm the candidature for attending both posts exams. But, if CIMAP Officials schedule the CSIR CIMAP Recruitment rounds on the same dates for the applied posts, it’s candidate turn to have a choice for which post they can take the test.

CSIR CIMAP Recruitment

CSIR CIMAP Senior Technical Officer Notification 2020

CSIR CIMAP Technician Notification 2020 must be followed by every applicant before applying because more details other than the info shared here can be found by the applicant. So, from their side, there is no query about the registration format and the one is that comes during registration format because first registration must be done till 30.04.2020 along with fee payment and the one must complete remaining registration for the CSIR CIMAP Recruitment 2020 before 08.05.2020 and a hard copy of the CSIR CIMAP Job Application must be submitted before 22.05.2020, then only the contender’s eligibility for the Recruitment will be accepted.

Also, Check: CSIR CIMAP Technician Previous Papers

Useful Links

Official CSIR CIMAP Technician Recruitment Notification 2020: Download

Online CSIR CIMAP Technician Application Form: Apply Now

Frequently Asked Questions

In which mode, candidate need to enroll for the CSIR CIMAP Lucknow Recruitment 2020?

Initially, the applicant first send their CSIR CIMAP Lucknow Technician Application in Online and then next a hard copy to the CSIR CIMAP Board.

What will be the dates to enroll for the CSIR CIMAP Technical Assistant Jobs?

Registration for the CSIR CIMAP Vacancy must do the registration from 04th march to 22nd April 2020 and after the fee payment complete registration must be done before 08th May 2020.